Yesterday we celebrated Judy-juice's birthday. She came to school in a beautiful red and black dress and proceeded to tell everyone that it was her birthday. She was more than a little excited. We all prepared for her mother and younger sister (whom I have named Ruby) to show up with the treats. Around 11am they came with bags full of cookies, candies, oranges, strawberries, cheese, chocolate milk and a delicious cake. We took a bunch of photos and enjoyed the day. Out of all of my parties so far, this is the one that I was most excited for. Judy is so outgoing, super cute and very interesting. She is also the smartest in class as she can read at least 2 levels above our books. She is truly a great student to teach.

Audrey, Judy and Juliana

Cheny, Judy and Young

Jacob, Judy and Johnson

My class

Judy and I

Blowing out the candles

Johnson and Young

Judy, Audrey and Juliana

Judy, her sister and their mom
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