On Saturday Fred, Steve, Josh, Ann and I headed bowling. We have passed this bowling alley many times but we have never gone. Yesterday was the day. We entered the 14 lane bowling alley and had to wait for about 10 minutes for a lane to open. It was exactly like at home but there was no restaurant/bar for food and drinks. We were put in a lane next to some very intense Korean bowlers. They were fun to watch yet intimidating at the same time. After bowling a few games, we went to dinner than came home. This morning we headed out for lunch and coffee. It has been a very relaxing weekend. Tomorrow we are celebrating Seolnal (Lunar New Year). The students are going to wear their Hanboks (traditional Korean clothing) to school. Then Tuesday is our last day for the week due to the holiday. I will post pictures tomorrow!

Chloe and Fred

Ann and Hailey
Fred and his class
Fred and his class

Kevin K and Hailey
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