Today we celebrated the birthday of Danny! He is the cute, quiet yet tough, and loving boy in my class. He is loved by everyone even though he sometimes is a little rough with the others. He showed up today with a stylish t-shirt. He walked up to me and said, 'Teacher look at my shirt.' My response was, 'Wow Danny! You have a necktie!" He looked at me very seriously and said, "No teacher. It is a necktie picture." He was right. I was wrong.
After lunch we had a great party. His mom brought a chocolate cake, juice, strawberrys, rice cakes and individual boxes full of treats, cookies and school supplies for each person. Each box had our names on them with hearts and a large bow. We all filled up on the treats then opened our presents. As exciting as the party was, it was also bittersweet. This is Dannys last week at LCI because his family is moving to Seoul. When I started teaching this class Danny did not know the alaphbet and he could barely write his own name. Now he can read, write and speak in full sentences. He is quiet in class and based on his observate behavior, he had become one of the best speakers in class. I am so proud of all of his achievements over the past 9 months. He has improved the most out of the class. I will truly miss him and I am sad to see him leave!
My class and I
The food
Johnson and Danny
Judy, Danny and Juliana
Jacob, Danny and Young
Cheny, Danny and Audrey
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