Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our 2nd Birthdays in Korea

This past week we celebrated both mine and Fred's birthdays. To celebrate mine, my mom brought ice-cream to school for all of my Kinder students. In the afternoon the Korean Teachers gave me a cake and made all of the afternoon kids sing to me. On Saturday, my actual birthday, Fred, mom, Ann, Stephy and I went out to dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant near Suji. After dinner we went to Batman bar for about an hour to meet up with my other co-workers. I have been sick for the past week so it was a pretty low-key evening. Yesterday, for Fred's birthday, he brought ice-cream for his Kinder students. A few of them gave him cards and treats. For his first grade class one of his students moms came with pizzas and soda. He also got a nice LG Twins sweatshirt from a first grader and a Starbucks mug from another. During his 3rd and 4th grade classes they had cookies and snacks. The Korean staff also brought him a cake, which poor Fred, it was chocolate, and made the students sing to him. After work we met up with Ann and Colin and headed to dinner. We went to a duck galbi restaurant where you cook your food at your table. We then met up with some of our other co-workers at Batman. Overall we had great birthdays but we can't wait to celebrate at home once again!

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