Teachers are very honored and respected in Korea. The month of May is filled with family holidays such as Children's Day and Parents Day. Teachers also have a special day. May 15th is Teachers Day in Korea. This year we celebrated on Friday the 14th at LCI. The morning began with students swarming the staff office with cards, gifts and hugs. I was given many cards from my Kinder students along with chocolate, flowers, lotion gift sets, cookies, candy and even strawberry milk. Most of my students mothers came during the class music time and met with me. They gave me an award, a very nice Lancome gift set and a bouquet of flowers. It was very nice. As the day went on, move gifts arrived for the teachers as a whole. We ended up with donuts, pecan pies, chocolate cakes and candies. I even got a hair band from my old Kinder student, Jasmin and a traditional handcrafted jewelry box from my old Kinder student Lex.

The office at the end of the day

My desk

Flowers from my Kinder class
As the classes went on the gifts continued. From my elementary students I got more cookies, two cakes, brownies, flower pens, flowers and lotions. At the end of the day we headed to dinner and met up with Fred, who came to visit this weekend.
On Saturday many of my co-workers, including 3 Korean staff members, Fred and I headed to a LG Twins baseball game. The game was sold out and so much fun. It was about 65 degrees and perfect. We met a Korean man who saw our MN Twins gear and started talking to us. It turns out that his major was English Lit and he was very social with us. He knew about Minneapolis and St. Paul, and of course our winter weather! Unfortunately, the Twins last 13-2. It was a great way to spend a Saturday evening!

At the LG Twins game

Fred, Steve and Josh with our Korean friend
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