On Friday we celebrated Halloween. My morning began with a surprise. One of my students, Jenny, who will be gone for a month, came for the day! We tried to begin class as normal however the students could not focus. LCI was decorated, with black sheets, pumpkins, monsters and cobwebs everywhere. We were also playing scary music through the sound system. Many of my students were freaked out.
Then it was our turn to head to the 'haunted house,' aka play gym. Steve, Michael and Blake had worked the night before to make the haunted house, complete with 'eyes' and 'brains' to touch. One of my students Jasmin would not go in the house. She was crying and grabbing onto me as soon as we got there. Steve then came out, with a flash light up to his face, and summoned the students in. No more than 30 seconds later I heard my first blood curdling scream for 'LONDON TEACHER!!' I opened the door and yelled, "its just Steve teacher. Its ok." That did not help much. Soon I heard Blake yell for me to come in. I literally had to carry some of my kids out because they were too scared to move. Once I had scooped them all out to the hallway I looked around. Not 1 or 2, but ALL of my kids were crying and shaking. I then opened the play gym door to show the guys and to yell at them. I later found out that they were laughing and high fiving. After I got them to calm down (which was very hard because I was laughing so hard at the situation) we headed to the snack room. Later in the day Steve came to my room and asked the kids if they were a little scared. Sean very sternly said, "No Steve teacher, a lot scared." Did I mention that my class was the only one that had more then 2 or 3 criers. They all cried!!
We did not do any book work on Friday. Just filled our time with songs, candy and playtime. Before lunch it was our turn to sing our song. The kids did very well. I do not know who won yet.
After Kinder was over, I found out that I will be missing at least 4 of my kids for the next month.
The afternoon went on as normal. The kids were not in costume however they were still excited to see the school.
After school ended for the day we were told that we will be closed for the next week due to swine flu. Many schools in our area are closing so it was not much a surprise to us when we also decided to close. Fred's school is closing for 3 mornings. I hope that they will extend this break for him soon! All of the teachers decided to take advantage of this time to travel. A few teachers are going to Taiwan and a few are going to Thailand (Fred and I are going here for Christmas and New Years.) One of the teachers, Gina, and I are headed to the Philippines. We know that there has been some flooding but it is not in the area or on the island that we're are going to. We leave tonight and will be back on Saturday! Wish us luck!

Harry Potter (Louie) and I just hanging out

My class and I

Haunted House reactions

Jasmin, Jenny, Sarah, Mini and Chelcy
Samuel, Lex, Sean and Louie