After I spoke to a doctor at the hospital I was admitted. I was then hooked up to an IV and sent back to the waiting room. After hours was waiting I was told that I would need to stay in the hospital for 3-4 day or up to 7. I was in tears calling my boss and parents. I was then given a bed in the ER because all of the rooms were full. The bed was literally in a huge room with about 35 other patients with curtain dividers. I was shuttled around for x-rays, blood tests and a CT scan. The other teachers came to visit me on Monday after work. They had stopped on the way to buy masks to blend in with me. (I was the only patient in the ER that had to wear one!) They brought me tons of supplies, books, my phone charger, food and treats. The ER staff would only let one person come to visit me at a time but we bent the rule a little bit! It was so comforting to see them.
I tried to sleep during the night however there were many distractions with the language, bright lights, other patients and the EMT's rushing in the new patients. Many of the doctors and nurses appeared to be ignoring me and hurrying around. It was very overwhelming and shocking to be in a foreign hospital, alone all night.
On Tuesday morning one of the owners, Melanie, came to see me. She was very sweet and brought me food. At about 11am the doctors finally came to talk to me. They said that I have pneumonia and put me on a lot of medications. I was told that I would be released and called the school. One of the Korean staff members, Nathan, came to pick me up. We waited until almost 3:00pm before I was finally discharged.
View of the bed directly across from mine. Great place to spend more than 36 hours!
I have to go back to the hospital on Monday to get more blood tests and an x-ray. Fred and I are suppose to leave on Friday for Thailand. The doctors knew this and would only give one week on medication. We now have to try to change our flights to Monday evening. If not, we are either out a lot of money or I have to go with no medications.
As all of this was happening, I missed out on Santa coming to LCI and the entire Christmas party. I had bought my Kinder students presents and didn't even get to watch them open them. What bad timing to be in the hospital!
Today, we had a spelling bee for our afternoon classes. Jetty, from my 2:30 class, won his division. Ethan in my 4:00 class took 2nd and Anika in my 4:00 class took 3rd. I was a very proud teacher!!!
Spelling bee. My boys are the 4th, 5th and 6th ones in from the left (Chris, Jetty and Alex)
The winner Jetty
Ethan (2nd place), Rucy (1st place, not my student) and Anika (3rd place)
The frozen river running through Suji
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