This past few weekend I headed down to Pohang. Josh came with me. We left on Friday after work and headed to the train station. The weather was a little rainy on Saturday so we spent the afternoon at the movie theater. We then had some western food, sandwiches and fries, for dinner before heading to the beach to light off fireworks. On Sunday we relaxed, had lunch and packed up. I filled my hiking backpack with most of Fred's winter clothes and carried his huge winter jacket in my arms. We have been trying to move most of the stuff he will be keeping in Korea to my apartment. I will then pack it into boxes and carry it to Josh's place to store for a month. Overall it was a great trip and I cannot believe that I will only make the journey once more!
The previous weekends Fred had came to Suji. We spent a lot of our time, including the 4th of July, in Seoul buying a few gifts to take back with us. It didn't feel like the 4th since there were no American flags, red, white and blue, grill outs or fireworks. Last year we were in Maine counting down our final days in the US. It was hard to believe that a year has already passed! We also went to the COEX mall and visited the aquarium. We later found out that one for Fred's kinder moms had seen us at the aquarium but was too shy and unsure to approach us.
Today is the morning of my second to last Monday. This is my last Monday before the two new teachers show up. It is going to be a busy final two weeks!
Johnson and I
Jacob and I
Young and I
Fred and I shooting off fireworks on the beach this past weekend
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