A lot has happened in the past few weeks. Fred has came up to Suji for the past 4 weekends and we have finally been able to enjoy spring weather in Korea. Last weekend we, along with my co-teachers Steve and Josh, headed to Everland, Korea version of Disney World. I read that it is the 4th largest theme park in the world. We went on Saturday morning and ended up staying until closing time. It was one of the best days that I have had in Korea. The tulip festival was in full swing so the park was covered in beautiful tulips. We went on the worlds steepest wooden roller coaster 6 times. We saw 4D films, all in Korean of course, fed birds at the bird park, went on an African safari ride where we saw white tigers, elephants, lions, giraffes, zebras and lions. We also went on water ride where you are covered up with a tarp. Only our heads were exposed however our feet still managed to get a little wet. The night closed with a laser and firework show.

Josh and I feeding the birds

Josh and I feeding the birds
Before our last coaster ride of the night
This past week at LCI we went on a Kinder field trip to a car museum. For the most part my student enjoyed it. My little cute ball of terror, Annie, tried to climb into the roped-off cars 3 times while running away from the group. By the end of the day my other trouble maker, Jacob, kept chasing her while yelling, "No Annie no!" It was so funny!
This weekend Fred came up on Saturday and we spent the day in Seoul. We first headed to the foreign area for hamburgers then spent the afternoon shopping. The weather has been in the upper 60's with clear blue sky's! It was such a great weekend to be out in Seoul. On Saturday night we met up with Steve and Josh and went to the Suwon Blue wings soccer game. Unfortunately, this was the first game that we have been to that they lost. Today, we headed back into Seoul and explored before Fred went back to Pohang.

Suwon World Cup Soccer Stadium