Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jacob's Birthday

Last week we celebrated our second birthday in London Teachers class. Jacob, my smart, emotional and tiny little guy turned Korean 6 (American 5) years old. The students were all excited for this day as they had been preparing and discussing the events for days. We had chocolate cake, bananas, brownies, chocolate candies and milk. Jacob's mom even brought him a special hat to wear during the party. It was a very fun day!

Jacob and I

Enjoying the treats

To add to the excitement, one of my old students returned to LCI. Annie had left LCI in April to move to another school. It turns out that things did not work out there so now she is back. I cannot describe this girl to you. She is so cute but very troubled. She lacks a lot of emotional and behavioral skills that my other students have. On top of this, she is very far behind everyone else in the class. This past week was my hardest at LCI. Annie added a lot of stress to my classroom. She would get out of her chair and literally run out of the room. After a few chases through the halls I just let her go and hoped that the Korean staff would deal with the situation. She is always speaking Korean which is a big no-no in my class full of students who have been learning and speaking English for 20 months. Each day when Kinder ended I was worn out and exhausted from always having to stop for her, to chase her or to tell her to stop signing out loud or turning the pages in her book. On Wednesday all of my Kinder moms came for a meeting. We talked about the updates in class and how each student was progressing. It went well but the moms commented on how I seemed flustered and stressed. They also said that they were very happy with their kids improvements and they were so excited that I am back at LCI. Little did they know about the chaos that was happening down the hall. I have had many conversations with my supervisors about my class and Annie so we will see what happens next.

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